Wondering what exactly does a Chiropractor do? Chances are you may have heard about chiropractors or you may have consulted one.
It is because of its popularity as an alternative therapy for many of the body pains such as joint pains, back pain, headache, etc., that people turn to it.
Most of the people who try out chiropractors do so because their problems do not seem to be over by taking medicines prescribed by regular doctors. Sometimes, doctors advise patients to undergo surgeries for a nagging pain in some parts of the body.
Chiropractors use a manual therapy of adjusting different body parts by pressing, twisting, turning, and massaging to relieve the patients of nagging pain issues.
Many times the adjustment involves the spinal cord. As a matter of fact, initially, chiropractors used to adjust only the spinal cord for relieving pain in the back, shoulders, neck, or head.
Over the years, more chiropractors emerged on the scene and they also expanded the area and scope of their therapy.
Chiropractors start their work by examining the structural integrity the human body. They try to check if there are any deviations. Their experience makes them feel and find out structural abnormalities in the body that may be a trigger to a pain.
If you have not consulted a chiropractor as yet, you are depriving yourself of something of great value and importance.
As per some estimates, every 12 people in the developed world are visiting chiropractors once a year. The most common problems that make people seek their advice and treatment are nagging headache, neck pain, back pain, or a sports injury. These are musculoskeletal problems.
It’s true there is as much misconception and misgiving about chiropractic care as there is trust and belief in this alternative healthcare system. Here we are not trying to remove these misconceptions about what it meant in the past or what it means in the present.
Here we would like to bring in front of you some research findings of chiropractic care that may have escaped your notice.
A study in 2007 suggested that Chiropractic care in the upper neck led to a positive impact on the balance of blood pressure. This is believed to be due to the alterations of chemoreceptor and baroreceptor functions
While some of you may still debate whether a chiropractor’s help is needed or not, the champions in the sports world are using their services to enhance fitness and performance. Professional sportspeople and athletes engaging chiropractors is now an established practice.
Chiropractic aid helps sportspersons cut down healing time after an injury. It also boosts strength, posture flexibility, and reaction time. All of these are issues of critical importance for a sportsperson competing in a national or international level contest.
Headaches are quite common and they can be nasty, nagging, and simply unbearable. What’s all the more worrying about it is that it does not go away even after consulting good doctors.
Many times the root cause of the headache is in the cervical spine, which becomes dysfunctional. Headache as well as many facial pains can be healed or managed by chiropractic spinal care.
A chiropractor would use massaging, mobilization, and manipulation of the spine and muscles around the neck to relieve facial pains.
Thisis an extremely painful condition that does not go away even after medication. It’s a consistent and nagging problem that can stretch for days and weeks. It affects normal life badly, making it impossible to focus on work or personal life.
Painkillers, injections, and surgeries are the therapies available in the same order for this problem. To deal with a problem so complex and enormous, Chiropractors advise a few chiropractic sessions of massaging, manipulation, light twisting, and bending of your muscles and spinal cord.
For sciatica, chiropractic care is supposed to be the most promising therapy. It’s non-invasive. There is no chance of a side effect.
Different studies suggest that chiropractic care can help in other problems as well such as frozen shoulder, scoliosis, back & neck pain, postural issues, and trigeminal neuralgia.
Chiropractors assess joints, muscles, and bones to see if there is any deviation from their original position. They try to see if these deviations are causing any problem in the central nervous system.
Sometimes, the soft tissues surrounding the central nervous system may be getting hurt because of the deviation. A chiropractor tries to restore the deviation to its original place and that works to relieve the pain a patient may be suffering from.