What can I do to Relieve Lower Back Pain? If you are looking to relieve lower back pain, there are some simple things that you can do. Back pain is one of the most common complaints in the world, and it is good to know that you are not alone.
Today we are going to look at some stretches to do every day to flex your joints and relieve back pain.
When the pain is specifically in the lower back some stretches are recommended, when you start the daily stretches, build up gradually to about 10 repeats.
This is done lying on your back, then pulling both knees into the chest wall while flexing the head until a stretch is felt.
Once again on your back with bent knees and heels on the floor, place your hands behind one knee and then the other knee. This will stretch the muscles in the buttock.
This impacts the pelvis and hip muscles. Start on both knees, and move one leg forward a bit keeping your foot on the ground. Your weight should be evenly distributed across your pelvis.
Then place both your hands onto the thigh, pull the knee towards the chest and you will feel a stretch in the buttock. You are trying to prevent the hip flexor muscles from becoming too tight. Repeat with another knee.
You can do this while lying on your back with knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Cross the ankle over the bent knee, while pulling the lower knee towards the chest to stretch the buttock area. Then repeat with the other leg enabling the buttock muscles to stretch and not tighten.
Exercising the lower back is very specific, and you can use a Resistance band to aid your lower back work. The idea is to stretch the muscles a bit so that you have less day-to-day pain, but don’t over-exercise at first, build up gradually.
Tension in the muscles is the cause of most lower back pain, and a good daily stretching routine will build core strength and elongate the muscles while easing back pain. It will also improve overall mobility and reduce disability.
Once you have become stronger in the back. you may want to take up swimming, as water aerobics or therapy are a help to people suffering back pain. Another way to exercise your back is by using a stability ball, and you can use this in various ways to build core strength in your lower back.
If the pain is a recent, hopefully, temporary injury, there are a few things that you can do to care for yourself.
You have probably just got some muscle strain, but if it doesn’t go away in a few days, you will need to see a doctor. If it doesn’t recover you may have a disc injury and require some imaging to see what the issue is and get the appropriate treatment for it.
If you are forced to sit down or are pushed down suddenly, it can cause a fracture of the coccyx or tail bone, and this is very painful and requires medical treatment, and sitting on an air ring for a few weeks.
You can usually overcome and relieve lower back pain quite simply with exercise and rest. People who ignore their back pain often don’t get better, as we require that stretch movement to stop us from becoming stiff and immobile.
Older people who have given up on their exercises often lose mobility and end up in a wheelchair, so it is worth initially persevering with the stretches.